Management and leadership in NPO’s

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We invite you to the last webinar of the Social Organizational Management series: “Management and leadership in NPO’s”, which will take place on December 7, from 2:00 – 3:30 pm, online!

Our special guest, Werner Kerschbaum, will share from his management and leadership experiences under the motto “Live, Learn and Pass it on”. With more than two decades of experience in the world of large, values-based organizations, Werner will share his vision of management and leadership roles and styles. Participants will have the opportunity to present their views in small group discussions and ask questions in plenary.

Register for the webinar by completing this form. The webinar will be conducted in English with simultaneous translation into Romanian.

About the speaker:
Born in 1952 in Germany, Werner holds an MBA and a PhD in economics from the Vienna Business School, and later worked for 15 years as marketing and sales manager in the international consumer goods industry and as one of the managing directors of Austria’s largest food retailer. Since 1992 he has made the transition to the non-profit sector where he has assumed important responsibilities (20 years as a board member of the Austrian Red Cross, including 9 years as General Secretary of this largest humanitarian organization in Austria).
Werner is currently chairman of the boards of two international organisations and a private hospital. He is also a volunteer for the Vienna Business School.
Married for more than 40 years, Werner is proud of his 3 children and 6 grandchildren. He is passionate about life and beauty, plays several sports, reads a lot and plays his favourite instrument whenever he gets the chance.

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