Project title: Magister – Learning community for the professionals in the mental health field
Financer: Erasmus+ Program
Duration: 01.10.2018 – 31.03.2020
Managed budget: 246,503 EUR
Scope of the project
The project targets to promote the social inclusion of the mental health disorder persons by improving the quality of the services offered to the patients in the field, at European level. The 3 training programs which shall feature the attendance of a total of 48 professionals from Romania and Portugal shall be jointly developed by the partners and shall focus on practical skills, offering learning opportunities based on the experience at the workplace. The scientific foundation is provided by the participation of the academic partner from Austria who shall be responsible for the validation of the work methods and instruments, as well as the assessment at all stages of the project, including that of the impact.
Main applicant:
Humanitarian Organization CONCORDIA – Romania
Estuar Foundation – Romania, the association for Cerebral Paralysis – Portugal, the University of Applied Sciences in Vorarlberg – Austria.
Projects results:
The project foresees drafting the following intellectual results
- Curriculum of the course dedicated to the practitioners in the mental health field (384 hours of training);
- Curricula of the course TOT (training the trainers) – 5 days of training;
- Innovative toolkit with validated instruments for the practitioners in the mental health field;
- Online platform dedicated to the practitioners in the mental health field;
- Curricula of the training course based on anxiety and depression case management (384 hours of training).
Based on these intellectual results, until the end of the program:
- 48 practitioners in the mental health field shall be trained, and 10 of them shall become, in their turn, trainers;
- 150 organizations and institutions in the field shall be informed on the opportunities of continuous training of the professionals;
- Over 250 professionals in the field shall benefit of the networking opportunities offered by the online practitioner community;
Expected impact – 1,500 persons with mental health disorders and their families shall have access to quality specialty services.