Project title: Capacity Building for Trainers and Teachers: Learning the Blended Way

Financer: Erasmus + Program

Duration: 01.12.2020 – 30.11.2022

Total budget: 177.572,00 EUR

The purpose of the project:

The project aims to increase the availability of quality blended learning offers (face to face and online) in Romania, Italy and Bulgaria by developing new skills for teachers and trainers working in the social field. His idea was given by the need to adapt to the current context.
Training programs and work tools (course design development, learning methods, digital tools) based on practical skills developed based on the needs of organizations and professionals in the field will be tested.

Main applicant:

CONCORDIA Humanitarian Organization – Romania


CONCORDIA Bulgaria Foundation

International Cooperation Centre – Italy

Project results:

The project envisages the elaboration of the following intellectual results:

  • Development of a curriculum for the training of trainers (8 days of training in a blended format – (face to face and online);
  • Development of a trainer’s manual and a set of innovative tools needed for the transition to blended learning;
  • Development of a course curriculum (384 training hours) for teachers and trainers in the field of vocational education;
  • Development of a set of innovative tools for teachers and trainers in the field of vocational education in order to transition to the use of mixed learning teaching;
  • Development of a guide for different organizations interested in making the transition from classical to mixed learning.

Based on these intellectual results, by the end of the project:

  • 60 professionals from Romania, Italy and Bulgaria, involved in education and training will enrich their planning, content delivery and assessment skills in the field of blended learning (face to face and online);
  • 15 of them will benefit from the training of trainers (ToT) course and will carry out training activities at international level;
  • Over 400 teachers / trainers and over 200 organizations and institutions in the field, at European level, will be informed about the results of the project.

Expected impact

Increased number of mixed learning programs developed by project participants and other professionals accessing project results.

This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union.
Its contents are the sole responsibility of and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

Blended Learning resources (intellectual outputs of the project)
RomanianItalian | Bulgarian | English