Project title: Wings4Youth – Supporting the youth who leave the children protection system in a multi-sectorial approach

FinancerRights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC)

Duration: 01.01.2019 – 31.12.2020

Managedd budget:  456.887 Euro

Scope of the project

The project targets preparing the youth who will soon leave the institutionalize children protection system, in their transition to a successful independent life. The youth, social workers, organizations and SMEs cooperate to develop integrated support models for the persons to leave the system to their integration, be developing their abilities in an independent life, mentorship, on the workforce market, especially via coaching job services and training sessions organized for the beneficiaries, companies and NGOs. In all these activities we consult the most relevant persons: the youth themselves.

Main applicant:

Humanitarian Organization CONCORDIA – Romania


CONCORDIA Bulgaria, CSRNest Romania.

Project’s results:

By its activities, the project:

  1. Offers the youth competent information to help them in the transition outside the system and access to a workplace and accomplished life via workshops and a guide on an independent life abilities, mentorship and job-coaching to be drafted;
  2. Offers the professionals in social care field training sessions and work methodologies based on evidence to support the youth who leave the system, especially with regard to the developing their independent life abilities, job coaching and mentorship;
  3. Explores the public-private partnerships between social service suppliers and the business sector with a view to encouraging social responsibilities of the small and medium sized enterprises to answer the needs of the youth who are ready to leave the system.
  4. Contributes to raising the awareness of public opinion through advocacy actions to improve the socio-economic and legislative context with a view to supporting the youth who leave the protection system.

Expected impact – During the two years of implementation, the project shall address directly: at least 150 youth who leave the institutionalized system, over 120 social care professionals and over 120 SMEs in Romania and Bulgaria.