Whom it adresses
The training program addresses the public and private social services professionals, who following a successful graduation of the course shall be able to offer individual and team supervising services.
The program features a total of 375 hours (125 hours of theory and 250 hours of practice / intervision) and spans throughout approximately 12 months. The training sessions can be organized face-to-face or in blended format (face-to-face training alternated with online synchronous training).
Programul este autorizat de către Ministerul Muncii și Solidarităţii Sociale, iar în urma finalizării cu succes a programului participanții primesc un certificat de absolvire pentru ocupația de ”supervizor în servicii sociale”, cod COR 263513.
După certificarea ca supervizori, participanții pot deveni membri ai Asociației Supervizorilor din România și pot solicita admiterea în Asociația Europeană a Supervizorilor.
- Conceptual delimitation and definition of supervising
- A supervisor’s position as part of the professional development process in organizational context;
- Supervisor’s and supervised persons’ responsibility
- Advantages and principles of supervising
- Techniques & methods
Added value
A supervisor position that was officially acknowledged in 2017, is essential in the structure of any organization supplying social, public or private services, both from the point of view of the legally regulated standards as well as from the professional ethics point of view. Supervising is a key instrument made available to the practitioner and/or team of professionals, massively contributing to the healthy dynamics of the relationships with the beneficiaries and with the team and at the efficiency of social interventions led by the organization.
Pentru înscriere la următoarea ediție a cursului „Supervizor în servicii sociale”:
“Given the conditions, I appreciated the methods having been adapted to online training, allowing for practice at the same time. I especially liked the final reflection exercise, when you made us chose an image (versus the print books used when in a room). You are innovative and I appreciate and borrow these good practices from you. I am happy to be a student at CONCORDIA Academia. Each time I learn something new from you! Even beyond what you have proposed yourselves to teach us.”
“I very much liked and I appreciated especially the group supervising session and the part on creative methods – practical application (online sketch, “radio drama”) – very well done. The creative methods part counted very much, and that’s where I felt very good and I laughed a lot, we released the tension, learning at the same time. From you I learned both about supervising as well as about how to organize efficient training sessions.”
“This course, such as it is designed, the people I met opened new windows to knowledge, understanding and questioning and new mirrors to self-knowledge. The course features all the “ingredients” for reflection, analysis, ethical dilemmas, sound understanding of “unsound” things from your own professional experience and that of the others who are meant to help you grow as an individual as well as a professional. It prepares you (form the intellectual, emotional, attitude, anxiety point of view) for the moment when you come face to face with the professionals, the teams, organizations for which you shall be supervisor.”
We grow the potential to do good.