Working together for an inclusive Europe.

CONCORDIA Humanitarian Organization, together with the project partners Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations for Social Services – FONSS and „Educație pentru Viața Reală” Association, aim to increase the participation of vulnerable groups in local decision-making processes and encourage their contribution to local development at the level of 40 insufficiently served communities in rural and urban areas in Romania.

The results we want to achieve in this project are:

  • National Network of Day Centers – 40 national day centers in rural and urban areas will create working groups on topics related to quality in day center services: 1. monitoring and continuous improving of quality standards, 2. financing of services, 3. developing the capacity of service providers;
  • “Banostare” – the methodology of financial counseling of beneficiaries from vulnerable groups will be developed and transferred nationally to professionals in 40 day centers and thus 400 young people and adults in a vulnerable state will receive financial counseling for at least 6 months using this methodology;
  • Training programs to increase the quality of social services provided to 60 professionals at the level of day centers with coordination responsibilities or working directly with beneficiaries;
  • Training on advocacy techniques for 600 people in order to increase their participation in decision-making at the local community level;
  • A report on the implementation of quality standards in day centers that will contain proposals for improving the regulatory and the funding framework will be prepared and brought to the attention of over 80 local and central stakeholders.

The impact we want to have in the long run is:

  • Awareness of the role and importance of day centers as a prevention service at the community level both by the authorities and by society in general;
  • Better social services at day center by increasing the capacity of professionals to meet the needs of beneficiaries, including those related to financial counseling.

Funder: Active Citizens Fund Romania, programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014 -2021

Duration: 01.04.2021 – 30.09.2023

Grant amount: 222.640,21€

The project is implemented by the CONCORDIA Humanitarian Organization in partnership with the Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations for Social Services – FONSS and „Educație pentru Viața Reală” Association, and benefits from a 222.640,21€ grant from the Active Citizens Fund Romania programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014 -2021. The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the official position of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021; for more information visit